Thursday, May 3, 2012

Today, I was searching for my Blog to post and I ran across a post that said Facenook means to hook up with a sexual partner on Facebook! The joke's on me for not doing my research on the name. I should know it was probably taken, but no idea the word had such meaning. No wonder I have numerous page views, it's not because of my sharp witted writing.

My research paper was fine. It took me longer than I would have liked due to a very heavy schedule. Ironically, I was too busy working on designing an actual online course then to write a paper about designing and online course. I enjoy writing papers, actually. The research process, putting it all together really makes sense to me. The whole process helps me to understand a topic and how it fits in the larger knowledge pool. My topic expanded some because as I was writing about motivation theory I thought about the learning theories and how they would fit nicely into the the motivation theories. What I learned the most was there are evidence based theories to use to guide the design process. This paper also emphasized another theme I found throughout the semester, which is design is not about using cool technology and flashy graphics, it's about intentionally using technology and research to help students learn.  I also learned that putting together the ideas from the theories while designing can help me produce a better product. I look forward to designing another class!